Behavioral Enhancement Services & Treatment

Is Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Effective?

Community Based Rehabilitation treatment

Community-based rehabilitation services are a program that connects people living with psychosocial disabilities to a range of support services in their home and community rather than a hospital setting. Moreover, the rehabilitative program is meant to assist an individual recovering from mental illness to live an independent life and remain an active member of their community.


But is this type of treatment effective?

Let’s find out the benefits that CBR can provide for people with psychosocial disabilities, their families, and the community.

The Community Approach

The rehabilitation approach involves disabled people, their families, and the community in different areas including planning and service delivery. This approach is effective in encouraging community collaboration in the individual’s treatment and reintegration into society. 

CBR Provides Better Transition Outcomes

The transition from an inpatient setting to life in the community can make or break the gains made in the recovery process. CBR provides the strategy and tools to ease the process and lay the foundation for continued recovery success. Maintaining communication about any deteriorating symptoms or important treatment decisions, for instance, motivates the individual to take up more responsibility and control over their lives.

Lowers Relapse and Hospitalization

Community-based rehabilitation not only improves symptom severity and general well-being of an individual but also their ability to fully participate in society. By helping them find and maintain employment and committing to regular checkups, for instance, CBR specialists can detect a decline in their client’s mental health and make timely primary care referrals, eliminating the need for hospitalization.

CBR Promotes Active Illness Management

Community-based rehabilitation is generally combined with therapy and medication to give people space to actively participate in improving their symptoms. While consensus on the extent to which to involve them is still a debate, patient-centered treatment is a positive approach because it goes a long way in encouraging the individual and their family that their opinions matter.

CBR Provides a Link to Community Resources

Community-based treatment helps to connect patients with comprehensive, coordinated, and culturally acceptable resources that can improve their quality of life. These may include support groups, personal care services, case management, job training and placement, housing and transportation assistance, and other community support systems to ensure lasting change.

Empowers the Individual, Family, and Community

In many cases, people with mental illness and their families face discrimination, stigma, and social exclusion. This leaves them marginalized and trapped in a cycle of isolation and poverty. Community-based rehabilitation provides people living with mental health challenges and their families access to information about their rights and the necessary services they need to achieve their recovery goals as well as sensitizing the community on how best to support them.

Contact B.E.S.T for Quality Community Based Rehabilitation Services

If you’re searching for a team that can help you regain your independence as you make your recovery, talk to our CBRS specialists at Behavioral Enhancement Services & Treatment. We offer comprehensive and coordinated community-based rehabilitation services to help our patients live more fulfilling lives in their community. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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