Behavioral Enhancement Services & Treatment

6 Types of Counseling in Pocatello You Could Explore

therapy and counselling services

Counseling is vital in helping us to navigate various issues in our lives today. Whether that’s processing a difficult life event, dealing with mental health issues, or looking to improve our sense of self. 

It helps us to focus on meeting our mental health needs for a happier and more fulfilling life.

And the good news is there are different types of counseling services you can explore to address diverse challenges. 

Here are some of the counseling services available in Pocatello.

1. Mental Health Counseling

Mental health counseling provides a safe space to address your emotional issues and deal with destructive coping mechanisms. A counselor will guide you to embracing a more balanced outlook on life for improved mental health. People with depression, phobias, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder can benefit from mental health counseling.

2. Behavioral Disorder Counseling

Behavioral disorders are disruptive patterns of behavior that are harmful to you and those around you. Some of the disorders are diagnosed in early childhood, while others manifest in adulthood. 

Either way, counseling can go a long way helping you to maintain normal functioning in your work and personal spaces. Some of the behavioral disorders counseling can help with include, ADHD, OCD, ODD, conduct disorder, eating disorders, and behavioral addiction.

3. Marriage and Family Therapy

Marriage and family therapists work with married couples, children, siblings, and other family members to tackle interpersonal issues and family dynamics. MFT will help you heal from trauma together, embrace better communication styles, and strengthen your marriage or family bond.

4. Grief Counseling

When you experience a significant loss, grief is inevitable. But if the emotions persist and you struggle to cope with the intense loss, you can turn to counseling. A counselor will help you work through the stages and emotions of grief in a healthy manner. The ultimate goal is to help you understand, accept, and cope with your emotions so you can live a healthy and full life.

5. Child Counseling

Children are not immune to stress, low confidence, and trauma. Child counselors can help to identify and treat a wide range of issues including adjustment problems and mental health issues. 

Helping children to interpret, process, and understand their issues allows them to live normal lives without anxiety, fear, or confusion. Toddlers, preschoolers, adolescents, and teens can benefit from child counseling.

6. Personal Development Counseling

Personal development counseling is all about helping you overcome barriers and finding the motivation to be the best you can be. A counselor guides you towards true introspection to find your purpose and helps you make the changes you need to achieve your goals. 

Whether it’s preparing for an interview or skills to boost your self-confidence, spending time with a personal development counselor can keep you on the right track.

Find Professional Therapy and Counseling Services at B.E.S.T

If you’re having difficulties overcoming challenges or you need support as part of your self-care routine, contact Behavioral Enhancement Services and Treatment. We offer effective therapy and counseling services for people of all ages in Pocatello. Schedule a consultation to get started.


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